Tag Archives: medical neglect

Why I’m angry, and how the medical system fails people like me

imageWrist brace day 6Wrist brace day 6

Wrist brace day 6

I found this partial post in my drafts, and wanted to publish it, even though it’s incomplete.

I’m in a really bad mood. Health issues, and stories about opioids being the devil, or that subluxing joints don’t exist are making me more agitated.

I’m a scientist. I have a genetically-caused disease that results in constant subluxations and dislocations of major and minor joints. I have pain all day, every day. I can’t trust my body to function ever. I will have a great week, where the pain is only at a level where I have to medicate once a day, and the next will be multiple days of medicating 3x a day, and my needing to immobilize. I’ve had a brace on my wrist for 4 days BTW.

One of the only treatment options available to me in NC is narcotic pain medications, prescribed through a pain clinic. Medical marijuana is illegal in NC.

Seeing articles written by fellow scientists that subluxations are invented by quacks (her criticism of chiropractors), or others saying that pain medications are getting doled out Willy nilly is infuriating.

If you ask my parents how many times they took me to the doctor or the ER because I was in extreme pain, I don’t think they could tell you. I remember one such visit, when I was 7, and I was writhing in pain. I struggle to even

[I must have needed to pause]

I’ll tell you what it’s like to get my pain meds, that only partially help.

[I never returned]